Thursday, July 23, 2020

Not-so-Favorites - 12 Worst Supervillain Costumes in Live-Action

Well, I've gotten to the villains of this part. Oh boy...

1. Doom from Fant4stic

While I could throw all the costumes from that film on here, Doom is the crème of the crop! So, he gets left in the Negative Zone, and his suit melts on him? That sounds fun! Even Doctor Doom from the Tim Story FF films looked better than this, and his costume wasn’t too bad. The whole movie was a trainwreck, and the moment you see Doom’s look in the film, you know we’ve reached the bottom of this… thing!

2. Green Goblin from The Amazing Spider-Man 2

While Green Goblin from the 2002 Spider-Man film looked bad, this version takes the cake. He just looks ugly, and I don’t like calling folk ugly. What they did with the Osborns in that film was weird, so you know the Goblin side was gonna go bad. Maybe I’m just used to a mask for the Osborns, but this looked too off the wall.

3. The Villains from Batman and Robin

It looks like Batman and Robin is going to get blasted on this list. Sorry, Joel. Anyway, They all looked as flashy and gaudy as the heroes did. There’s no forgiving for Freeze. I don’t care how many cold puns he can spout! Now, I might feel less hateful toward the villains. At least Bane kinda looked close to the comics… kinda. Also, Uma Thurman’s first costume as Poison Ivy looked *HOT*!

4. Two Face from Batman Forever

Yeah, I’m just all on these Schumacher films. While the costumes there had the horrible trappings (nipples), I do like most of them. Robin’s suit and Batman’s suit toward the end looked nice. Even the Riddler looked okay. The one who I won’t forgive is Two-Face. He’s pretty much the stain on that film. Everything from the portrayal to the suits was just bad. Who new purple could look so horrid?

5. Diamondback from Luke Cage

The Netflix shows haven’t been too bad with costumes. Yeah, they may veer off from the comics, but it is what it is. One costume I can’t say was good is the suit Diamondback wears at the end of Luke Cage’s first season. I joked that they finally got a Power Ranger on these shows. It just looked so weird and out of place with the show.

6. Deadpool aka Barakapool from X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Next up, it’s Deadpool’s look from the first Wolverine movie. That movie was pretty dreadful. It’s sad because you had a nice cast for that film. One of the worst things was Deadpool’s second look. After Wade Wilson is experimented on, he’s pale, missing a mouth, and sporting knives like Wolverine. It was a horrible look. I’ve nicknamed him “Barakapool” for a reason. Luckily, the character has gotten a better look as time went on.

7. Enchantress from Suicide Squad

If there was a character who looked pretty dreadful in Suicide Squad, it was the Enchantress. I know you couldn’t have her walking around in witch hat, but there had to be a better design for her costume. It seems like everything went wrong with her. She sucked a villain, and she looked horrible. At least Shakira inhabited her body towards the end with those hip moves.

8. Deathstroke and Deadshot from Smallville

Even the villains from Smallville haven’t been spared in bad costumes. I could throw Brainiac on here, but they took him in a different light (Kryptonian A.I. mixed with the T-1000) that worked for the show. As for these, there was no excuse. First up, we got “General Deathstroke.” If there’s one character whose look you shouldn’t screw up, it’s Slade. Next, Deadshot decided to go all Wyatt Earp on us, and it looks as bad as you think.

9. Bane from Gotham

I haven’t watched much of Gotham. I may get around to it eventually, but I’m kinda tired of Batman. Anyway, I did see the look for Bane floating around the interwebs, and man, it looks horrible. I also find it weird that they cast Shane West in the role of a Hispanic man… eh. It looks like Tom Hardy has it won when it comes to a good look for Bane.

10. The Rival from the Flash

If there was one look from the flash that looked horrible from the get-go, it would have been the Rival from Season 3. While he wasn’t around long, that look was hard to forget. It’s like someone ran out of ideas on how to make a good speedster suit. It’s sad because we’ve seen better since then… well, except for the Flash’s Season 5 costume.

11. Indigo from Supergirl

Finally, I gotta return to Supergirl for a moment. The show’s version of Brainiac, Indigo, looked pretty horrid on the show. She basically looked like a clothed version of Mystique from the X-Men movies. Also, what was up with the hair? It was like she didn’t have enough money at the hair salon to get those braids! It makes the look Brainiac had on Smallville look pretty good.


Well, I think I’ve gone as far as I can go with this Costume thing. I do have an idea for good/bad CG character designs in live action, but I’ll save that for later. I’ll hold off on lists. While Comic book movies and tv shows have gotten better, you know there will still be a bad costume in there somewhere. Just give it time. Until then, Peace, God Bless, and remember to not wear that one suit!

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