For my final post of this themed month, I’ll be heading back
to ‘ole Ray Bradbury. In 1980, NBC aired a 3-part mini-series of Ray Bradbury’s
The Martian Chronicles. As you can tell by that year, I didn’t see it when it
aired. I did get to watch some of it back in the 90’s. I think it was on the
Family Channel. I’ve heard a variety of things about it before I saw it last
night. I did recognize a few folk from the miniseries. Rock Hudson, Roddy
McDowell (Planet of the Apes), Bernie Casey (I’m Gonna Git You, Sucka) and
Nicolas Hammond (The Amazing Spider-Man TV show) all had roles. Apparently, Ray
Bradbury himself said that the miniseries was “just boring.” Whether it actually is or not, I’ll
get to that below.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Saturday, May 30, 2015
TV Talk - seaQuest DSV Season 1
So, I was wondering on what I could end this month with. I
knew it had to be a TV show I used to watch or still watch. I almost chose
Sliders, but I’ll wait on that for now. I then found a little show that I sort
of used to watch back in the 90’s: seaQuest DSV aka seaQuest 2032. Since I’ve
only recently finished the first season, I’ll be looking at the show by season
by season. This is definitely a show I’ll have to do that with since I’ve heard
things about its latter two seasons. Besides, it came on at the same time Lois
and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman came on, so I guess Sunday’s Sci-Fi
is a thing here now. I guess I have to do Earth-2 next, eh?
As I said before, this was a show I didn’t watch that much.
It came on at around the same time Lois and Clark came on and I was probably
watching other shows as well. I do remember the show being in syndication on
the Sci-Fi Channel. I think I saw a few episodes on there too. I know I saw
some of the later seasons there. Anyway, I recently found it on Netflix and the
rest is history.
The show takes place in the fictionalized future of 2018…
so, we’ll be getting awesome submarines by that time? Earth has been colonizing
the oceans, so an organization was created in order to keep order under the seas.
The UEO (United Earth Oceans) Organization tasks an experimental submarine
called the seaQuest to keep things in order. The Navy gets retired Captain
Nathan Bridger (Roy Scheider) to command the submarine since he helped create
the thing.
Throughout the season, the crew encounters a lot of stuff.
They have to do deal with disputes between certain factions, perform rescue
missions, and do their own exploration under the sea. They do also encounter
their own brand of weirdness from time to time but it doesn’t go too overboard
with it. One of the things the show tried to do was to stay as grounded as
possible. It wasn’t too sci-fi… yet. That’ll be for another day. By the way,
some dude by the name of Stephen Spielberg was an executive producer on the show,
so this was pretty big.
Trek Novels - Star Trek: The Next Generation - Q-Squared

Q-Squared was released in 1994. I had known about Peter
David as a comic writer, but I had not been introduced to his Trek writing
until I read this book. As you can tell by the cover, it involves the TNG crew.
I’m not sure on when this is supposed to take place. I know it has to take
place after the episode “Parallels” (for some reason I want to call it
“Parallax”) since the events of that episode is mentioned here. I know it
doesn’t take place after the end of the show since some stuff doesn’t get
mentioned. I’ll get to that later.
Star Trek: The Next Generation – Q-Squared
Writer: Peter David
BRIEF BLURB: Picard and the crew get a visit from Q and he
has brought along Trelane to keep him out of trouble. Unfortunately, things go
south with Trelane and the entire universe gets put in danger.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Random Pics of the Month - Favorite Vulcans
I might as well go back to Star Trek for some random pics. This time, they'll be my favorite Vulcans from the franchise. When looking back over it all, there are really only a few that I could call cool. Even when Star Trek: Enterprise had a buttload of Vulcans, only two or three were actually decent since the rest were were quite annoying. If you're wondering why Sybok isn't on here, just guess. If there is one thing I do wonder one thing: why do they all have the same haircut? Is it logical or something?
1. Spock (TOS) - No duh. He was truly the best.
2. Sarek (TOS) - It's the father of Spock. You know he has to get the next spot.
4. Tuvok (Voyager) - The brothas' have to represent. Besides, I wasn't putting that other Vulcan from the show here.
3. T'Pol (Enterprise) - Look, I'm not just putting here here because she's attractive either. It did take a while, but my likeness for her grew over the four seasons.
5. Saavik (TOS movies) - There's not much to say about here, but she was cool in the movies.
6. Soval (Enterprise) - While he did start out douchey, he did come around in the fourth season.
7. T'Pau (TOS) - I'm not talking about the 80's British group either. She was cool for an old woman.
1. Spock (TOS) - No duh. He was truly the best.
2. Sarek (TOS) - It's the father of Spock. You know he has to get the next spot.
4. Tuvok (Voyager) - The brothas' have to represent. Besides, I wasn't putting that other Vulcan from the show here.
3. T'Pol (Enterprise) - Look, I'm not just putting here here because she's attractive either. It did take a while, but my likeness for her grew over the four seasons.
5. Saavik (TOS movies) - There's not much to say about here, but she was cool in the movies.
6. Soval (Enterprise) - While he did start out douchey, he did come around in the fourth season.
7. T'Pau (TOS) - I'm not talking about the 80's British group either. She was cool for an old woman.
Well, I'm out. I'll leave you something that might make you laugh.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Book Review - I, Robot
I, Robot was released in
1950. It’s a collection of short stories that Asimov had written for American
magazines. Unlike The Martian Chronicles, all of the short stories were woven
together to revolve around an interview with Dr. Susan Calvin, a fictional
character Asimov created. Since I'm talking about the book, also browse over the movie below.
I, Robot
Writer: Isaac Asimov
BRIEF BLURB: A reporter interviews Dr. Susan Calvin, former
robopsychologist of the company U.S. Robots and Mechanical Men. She tells him
about her life’s work and the many situations she encountered with robots.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Movie Talk - The Avengers and Avengers: Age of Ultron
Well, it’s finally time to have to talk about Earth’s
Mightiest Heroes. I don’t want to get these movies mixed up with that one
Avengers movie that had Uma Thurman and Sean Connery in it. I never saw that
one. Also, if you’re wondering why this is in Sci-Fi Month, that answer is
simple. We got aliens, evil A.I., mutants (sort of), super soldiers, a guy in a
mech suit, and the Hulk. I think that answers it.
Anyway, I first saw The Avengers when it was released in theatres. I saw it with the same
friend I saw the first Captain America movie with. I have seen it once since
then by renting it. As for Avengers: Age of Ultron, I saw it a couple of weeks
ago after church. I was getting tired of avoiding spoilers on the Internet, so
I did a solo run. I was planning on going to see it again with a friend but she
actually got free tickets to Mad Max: Fury Road (a really fun movie). Besides,
I got enough from the first viewing to talk about it.
Captain America,
Iron Man,
Marvel Cinematic,
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Weird Star Trek Episodes – Move Along Home aka “ALAMARAINE... meh!"
It looks like they really want out of this episode, eh?
Well, it’s time to head to Season 1 of DS9. While I do think
that DS9’s first season isn’t that bad when compared to most first seasons in
the franchise, it’s definitely my least favorite season of the seven. It does
have some good episodes though. Unfortunately, it also has some “meh” episodes
in there as well. Guess where “Move Along Home” falls into.
The episode starts off as the crew does first contact with
the Wadi, a race from the Gamma Quadrant. Instead of sitting down and
negotiating stuff, the Wadi want to know where the games are. They end up
heading to Quark’s bar and gamble a bit. When Quark gets caught cheating the
new aliens out of winning, the main Wadi decides to play a game of his own with
Quark. What Quark doesn’t know is that this ends up transporting Sisko, Bashir,
Dax, and Kira to some playing field. While Quark plays the game, they have to
figure out a few tricks set up for them to solve.
I bet these guys have some extreme version of "Pick-up Sticks" on their world.
Odo (who really puts Starfleet’s security to shame) finds
out from Jake that his father’s gone. It takes a while, but he and Quark find
out that Sisko and the others are part of the game. It also turns out that
their lives may be in danger. Things go bad when the four almost end up dying in the game.
Luckily, it is a game after all as the four end up in Quark’s bar unharmed. The
Wadi leave and never actually return. Yay.
So, this was a pretty "bleh" episode. While it has a couple of
okay moments, it’s not good and pretty forgettable. The Wadi themselves are pretty lackluster. I can
see why they were never brought back to the show in any capacity (far as I
know). The crew doesn’t really get to do much other than be bewildered and act
a little silly. I zoned out towards the end on my re-watch especially since I knew that
nothing was really going to happen.
Don't worry. I won't link this to YouTube. I don't want to hurt you that bad.
I did think Quark and Odo themselves make the episode a
little better by having some funny moments. Other than those two having a couple of funny moments, the episode’s a dud. I’d say
skip it since nothing really comes from it. Still, if you want to see it, go on
ahead. Well, it’s time for me to “move along home.” Peace and God Bless.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Tales From the.. $4.99 Bin? - Star Wars: Darth Vader #1
It’s about time I’ve gotten to
something that’s Star Wars related. It
just sucks that it almost cost five bucks… I think I know why I barely buy any
new Marvel books. When Disney acquired the license, Dark Horse eventually had
to end their time with the franchise. Marvel now has the license and it’s all
that Dark Horse did is now considered to be non-canon (if it was ever considered canon in the first place). Since the only things that are considered to be
canon now are the films (even the prequels, folks) and the animated shows,
Marvel’s been putting out new books featuring our heroes post-Episode IV.
Star Wars: Darth Vader #1
Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artist: Salvador Larroca
Colors: Edgar Delgado
Letters: Joe Caramagna
Editor: Jordan D. White
Cover Artist: Adi Granov
(I ain’t listing the rest)
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Weird Star Trek Episodes - In the Pale Moonlight aka “That Was Cold-blooded!”
Captain's Log: Stardate... ugh. I am never drinking "Quark's Secret Surprise" again.
Yeah, I quoted Dave Chappelle/Rick James for the
nickname of this episode. The nickname definitely fits, I’ll give it that. I doubt the actual song does. Anyway, “In The Pale Moonlight” takes place during Deep
Space Nine’s sixth season. The show is deep in its “Dominion War” era that sort
of started in the fifth season. It’s a war that’s not going so well on
Starfleet’s side. So, why is this episode in this “weird” bucket? You’ll find
out below.
The episode is narrated from Sisko’s point of view. It flash
backs to a few days ago when he was getting reports on Starfleet’s casualties
from this war. When word about the Romulan’s non-aggression treaty with the
Dominion is talked about, Sisko gets an idea. He realizes that the Romulans
need to join their side in order to beat the Dominion. He gets with Garak, a sometimes
shifty Cardassian, in order to get info on their battle plans. Sisko knows that
doing this may turn into a messy affair, but he’s determined to do it. Since
Garak can’t find proof that the Dominion will turn against the Romulans, it’s
decided that they’ll forge it in the order to fool the Romulans.
Garak has Sisko arraign a forger named Volar so the evidence
can be manufactured. In order to make this happen, Sisko has to break some
rules to keep him out of trouble. He had
to bribe folk like Quark and lie to Dr. Bashir about some weird chemicals. When
the evidence is made, Sisko and Garak get a Romulan senator named Vreenak to secretly
come to the station in order to view this evidence. Unfortunately, Vreenak and
his guys find out that the evidence is fake (“It’s a faaaaaaaake!”) and they
leave in a huff.
Fortunately (or unfortunately, your mileage may vary), Garak
figured this might happen. During the testing, he planted a bomb (along with
some Dominion evidence) on the Romulan ship. It blows up as Vreenak is heading
back to Romulus. He also “took care” of Volar to keep all of this on the down
low. Sisko is furious at Garak, but Garak predicts that his acts may get the
Romulans into the war. His prediction is correct as the Romulans enter the war
on Starfleet’s side. In the end, Sisko knows he did wrong, but realizes it was
for the best.
So… is this a good episode? You’re dang right it is! Peace,
God Bless, and go get your groove back or something.
Wait, I already did this joke for the one of the worst Trek episodes ever. I might as well do it to a good one too.
Wait, I already did this joke for the one of the worst Trek episodes ever. I might as well do it to a good one too.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
"It's A Video Game!" - Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Since I’ve looked at the Mass Effect Trilogy, I wondered
what other games I could talk about. Then, I remembered a game called Deus Ex:
Human Revolution. Now, I had sort of heard about the Deus Ex series before I
found out about the game. I just never got to play any of them. Back in 2012, I
was looking for games to try out and I heard that Deus Ex was a good one. So, I
got it at a Gamestop and tried it out. What did I think? Well, I’m writing
about it, so you know I think good things about this game.
For those who don’t know, Deus Ex: Human Revolution is
actually a prequel to the original Deus Ex. It’s a first-person- shooter/stealth
RPG that’s heavily influenced by cyberpunk.
The game also carries also carries a noir detective feel. It’s like
someone decided to mix Blade Runner and Metal Gear Solid with elements of
Robocop. It takes place in the “futuristic” year of 2027 and it’s primarily set
in Detroit, Michigan. The story covers a bunch of topics that’ll talk about
In the game, you play as Adam Jensen, the head of security of
Sarif Industries (as well as a nice Batman impersonator). Sarif is one of the
leading companies that specialize in cybernetic augmentation. One night, it
gets attacked by mercenaries and Jensen is seriously injured to the point of
death. He’s brought back to the land of the living sporting a heavily augmented
body. The main thrust of the story is figuring out who attacked the company.
Also, you’ll have to deal with certain situations the pop up every now and then.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Trek Novels - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Warped
Well, it’s time for me to finally look at a Trek book that
features the crew of Deep Space Nine. I’ve only read a couple that involves
this crew. I tend to gravitate towards the TOS crew and TNG crew when it comes
to novels. Now, I actually found this hardcover novel at a big thrift store in
West Tennessee called Top Dog. We were down with my dad’s family for the
weekend back in 2010. My granddad had gotten all of the stuff we wanted. I had
started to read the book sometime later, but I didn’t finish it until now. I’ll
get to why later.
Warped was written by K.W. Jeter and released in 1995. I
haven’t heard of the guy until this book. He’s written a lot of original novels
as well as ones for this franchise and others. He’s done books in the Star
Wars universe. He’s also written some sequels to Blade Runner. Now that was a
shock to me. I still need to see Blade Runner. By the way, the book takes place
after the events of “Battle Times” and before the beginning of the second season.
So, we’re in Season 1 territory… yee haw. Anyway, I’ll get on to the synopsis.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – Warped
Writer: K.W. Jeter
BRIEF BLURB: The crew of Deep Space Nine has to discover the
cause behind a series of murders while Bajor’s government suffers a takeover
from another group.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
TV Talk - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
I bet Uhura's thinking "Wow, the 24th century's looking pretty nice."
Well, it has come to this. I finally gather up the guts to
talk this show. I’ve heard this show get praised by most and not praised by
others. I think it’s time to add my name
to the list as I finally talk about Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
My first memory of DS9 was actually on a church trip. I
think we went to Louisville for the weekend and there was an episode (In the
Hands of the Prophets) playing. At the time, we didn’t have cable at my house,
so I didn’t know what this show was. I knew it was “Star Trek” and that’s it. I
think my uncle may have even recorded a couple of episodes. When we finally got cable in ‘98, I got to
watch the show on FOX 54 coming out of Huntsville. I have no clue how we got
that channel, but I guess it had to do with the fact that we were so close to
Alabama. While the channel showed current episodes of DS9, it also showed
reruns early in the morning at about 5am.
After DS9 ended its run, it was probably a few years until I
saw the show again. I know Spike TV had it in reruns when I was in college. It
didn’t stay on there long if I remember. I also remember this YouTube channel
had all of the episodes on there. I think I watched the latter half of the show
on that channel. Then came Netflix which has every Trek show on there. I’ve
mostly been watching a lot of the early episodes on there as well as my
favorites. I haven’t finished the show since I’ve seen the latter half a lot,
but I’m getting there.
Monday, May 4, 2015
"It's a Video Game!" - The Mass Effect Trilogy
So, what does one get when they combine elements of Star
Trek, Star Wars, Starship Troopers, Aliens, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, and
everything in between? It’s possibly one of the coolest trilogies around.
Today, I’ll be looking at the Mass Effect Trilogy, so sit down and lay back.
This’ll take a while.
Where can I begin with Mass Effect? I guess I’ll start at
the beginning. I didn’t know crap about this trilogy before March of last
year. All I had heard about it was it
was good and that its third game had a crappy ending. I had finished up a new game called
Watchdogs. The game itself was fine, but it didn’t have any replay value for me, so I decided to trade it in at Gamestop. Since
I got a sizable amount back for it, I looked around for something that might
be good. I saw the Mass Effect Trilogy for a pretty cheap price, so I got it.
The rest, you might say, is history… also, the helper there was pretty cute. I
think I saw her at Hastings in Murfreesboro.
Anyway, here’s a little info for the uninformed. Mass Effect
was released on the Xbox 360 and PC’s (it got ported to PS3 much later) in
2007. It was developed by Bioware who was responsible for games like Star Wars:
Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire, and Dragon Age. It takes place in the
somewhat distant future (2183) in the Milky Way galaxy. You play as Commander
Shepard, an Alliance soldier who you make your own. Mass Effect 2 was released
in 2011 on all consoles while Mass Effect 3 was released in 2013. For this
review, I decided to play through the whole trilogy again in order to give it a
better look and see what trouble I could really get myself into.
My Shepard’s black and looks like he’s trying to do his best
Captain Sisko imitation.
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Book Review - The Martian Chronicles

I don’t remember when I first heard about The Martian
Chronicles. I probably found out about it at a book fair, one of the stories
was in our reading books, or the television mini-series that was
released in the 70’s. Either way, I found out about it eventually because I
finished reading it some time ago. The Martian Chronicles was released in 1950.
From what I’ve read, it’s made up of a series of short stories that have been
cobbled together. It’s had some
revisions since then. Some stories were added or taken out. Some revisions also
have it taking place in the mid-2000’s instead of the beginning of the 21st
The Martian Chronicles
Author: Ray Bradbury
BRIEF BLURB: The book talks about how Earth tries to
colonize Mars.
Friday, May 1, 2015
Random Thoughts #36 - Garrus Vakarian is one bad brother from another planet!
Well, it's noon and I really need to get back to the gym. Work's been good.A co-worker of mine isn't doing too well though. This whole situation in Baltimore has been annoying and really freaky. The world just feels weird in general these days. I'm not worried though since you're gonna have your good times and bad. So, I'll get to some random thoughts.
Sci-fi Month
Sci-fi Month
So, for this month (formerly known as Star Trek Month and
Star Trek/Star Wars Month), I wanted to change it up. While I love Star Trek
and really like Star Wars, they aren’t the “end all, be all” when it comes to
science fiction. If you’re saying “Star Wars isn’t science fiction!”, the franchise
has cyborgs and clones. It’s at least lite Sci-fi. Anyway, I wanted to branch
out and look at other things in the sci-fi genre whether they are movies, TV
shows, books, or video games. I already got some things planned out, so stay
I don't have anything to say... yet.
This Weekend
This weekend is looking pretty fun and busy. There's Free Comic Book Day, Murfressboro's Jazz Fest is out, and a friend of mine is having a birthday party. There's also this little indie movie about a group of folk beating up James Spader... that might be fun.
The Joker???
Recently, an image of the Joker from the new Suicide Squad movie was released. It's... weird to say the least. I'm now hearing that Jared Leto may not look this different in the movie. Still, it's alright. As long as Leto plays the role well, I'm good. Still, I think one can have fun with this.
Wow... the Insane Clown Posse will take anyone these days!
So I guess he'll be teaming up with Lil' Wayne next?
I'd hate to be that tattoo artist.
Well, I'm out. I really need to hit the gym. Peace, God Bless, and be safe out there.
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