Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wow...these men have moves!

Well, I had nothing to post today, so I thought I would post something weird: Heroes Dancing!!!

And yes, I apologize for bringing this scene up...

This next scene I have no apologies for: it's a cheesy way.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Graphic Novels - Batman Knightfall: Part One - Broken Bat

Well, that one movie that’s destined to break the box office has finally come out. No, I haven’t seen it yet, but I plan to soon. It’s a little hard to write something down in this intro because I really don’t have much to say today. It could be that I still got that whole Colorado thing on my mind or I just really don’t know what to say (it’s probably both).  I know that I have a lot of stuff coming up school-wise, so it’s time to get this done. So here we go…Well! Maybe I did have something to say after all. 

The 90’s was full of awesome stuff and not-so-awesome stuff. This event, along with another DC event from this era that involved Superman, fits in there somewhere. I just don’t know where yet. For those who don’t know, Knightfall was a major crossover event in the Batman books during the 90’s. Without spoiling anything, it all started when some dude named Bane decided to do something to the Batman. I ended up getting Part one of this event at The Great Escape for a bargain. I read it and I’m saving my opinion for later.  The creative team for this tpb is listed below and I don’t know much about these guys except for Jim Aparo and Chuck Dixon. Well, with all of that out of the way, it’s time to start this sucka!

Batman: Knightfall Part One – Broken Bat
Writers: Doug Monech and Chuck Dixon
Pencillers: Jim Aparo, Norm Breyfogle, Graham Nolan, and Jim Balent


Monday, July 16, 2012

TV Talk - Other Spider-Man Shows

Well, I'm back to finish this segment for the wall-crawler off. Instead of doing 3 separate posts, I've decided to combine them into one big post because I really don't have much to say about them. There are four shows left,  so let's start with the show that is....well...Spider-Man Unlimited!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Graphic Novels - Ultimate Spider-Man: Power and Responsibility

Well, here it is…ULTIMATE…SPIDER-MAN…Yeah. Not X-Men. I don’t know if I will ever do that GN on here. Anyway, since Amazing Spider-Man has just come out (and I still haven’t seen it), I thought it would be good to look at a piece that may have influenced this movie a little bit.

 For those who don’t know, Ultimate Spider-Man was the first of a new series by Marvel Comics. Basically, it was a whole new modernized universe with the characters we love. We would see their origins modernized and up to date. Spider-Man and the X-Men pretty much started out this Ultimate Universe and it was a success. The Ultimate Universe is still around in some fashion today but things have changed a lot. One thing about this universe I like is that literally anything can happen. And yes, ANYTHING, even horrible crossovers.

The creative team for this GN and the USM book at the time was Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley. Bendis is pretty much known for the Avengers stuff and other things like his run on Daredevil and a book called Powers. I don’t know much about Bagley. I do know that he used to be on the Spidey books back in the 90’s. The issues in this trade are the first seven issues of USM. For this, I’m going back to the issue by issue format.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Favorite Songs - Earth, Wind, and Fire

But first, a small piece from a funny conversation:

Me: What does Earth, Wind, and Fire bring to mind?
Brie: lol Captain Planet?
Me: (laughing my butt off) ....Close, but no.
Brie: Then what?
Me: EWF is a old-school R and B group and they're playing in Nashville on the 23rd. Since you don't know about them, I doubt you would want to go.


This was about a couple of months ago when I first heard about the concert. At first, it looked like the concert would happen. My friend said she might want to go. Alas, I realized something: I'm a freakin' grad student taking summer courses. So, me and my friend did not see the Elements do their thing live. Oh may had been for the best since I had an SQL project to work on.

So how did I find out about EWF? Thank Mixed 92.9 and some of my uncle's records for that. When I was younger,  92.9 used to have this segment every Saturday night where they would play music from the 70's. The records were at the house ("Greatest Hits Vol."1 and "I Am") along with a lot of other records (one being Michael Jackson's "Thriller") and a record player. I don't have everything they have done. I only have one of those "Essentials" CD packs and a few other songs on my iPod. I'm  gonna have to eventually listen to all of their songs. I know there are some good ones that I have never heard. Man, I wish we played some of their stuff back in my high school band. Who knows how it would have sounded though...

Anyway, when it comes to saying which songs are the best, it's a little tough...Okay, Real Tough. ALL of them are good. It's probably why I held this group off for so long, but it's time to do this.   I really don't have much to say about these songs. Most of them talk about things like love and life. Their music is a good blend of rhythm and blues, funk, and soul. I had to stop at ten because that sounds like a good place to stop. Besides, this is just a piece of the pie that is Earth, Wind, and Fire. Take a listen.

Friday, July 6, 2012

TV Talk - Spider-Man (1994)

Well, it's time for another TV show. I do have to say that this one trumps the live-action tv show by a lot, but this is a show that also included this...guy. Wow. Anyway, what show am I talking about? Spider-Man (aka Spider-Man: The Animated Series).

It all started with a tape of recorded shows. After part 3 of the Dark Phoenix Saga ended, I saw an intro (an awesome intro) of this show. It was the first episode of the series. I really didn't watch the series regularly. I either saw episodes recorded or at someone else's house. When we finally got cable, the show was getting ready to go off and I was able to see the last two episodes. Since then, I've seen just about every episode of the show via Disney XD and reruns on FOX. I think my favorite seasons would have to be Seasons 2 and 3. You can't go wrong with mutated spiders and goblins.  Recently, I've been watching some episodes on  Netflix. What do I think of  it now? Find out below.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Random Thoughts #16

Well, it's 1:22 PM (and all's well!!!!)  and I'm at home trying to relax before I have to head back to Nashville. It looks like it's time for a couple of random thoughts.

I hate overdrafts...
'Nuff said.

Grad School
Next week I'll be starting another class. Luckily, this class only lasts for four weeks. From what I've heard, it's based around Microsoft Access. So, it looks like I'll be retreading some old ground  again this time. Oh yeah, I made a C in my Database Programming class....yay? That class was pretty tough and gruelling. Still, I'm glad I took it because I have some new skills with SQL now. Yeah, they still need growing, but this looks like something I'll be using in future jobs God willing.

Well, I've seen three movies since May. I still have a couple more to see like Amazing Spider-Man and The Dark Knight Rises. I'll post my thoughts on the movies I have seen at the end of the summer movie season. Out of all of them, my favorite has definitely been The Avengers. It's definitely on my top list of great comic book movies. The worst or least favorite involves a "Big Frickin' Facehugger".

...Yeah, just putting this here. No reason yet.

That's all I got today. I'm still in Spider-Bat (or Bat-Spider) Month, so I'll still be posting things. I got some  more TV shows coming up, two movie franchises, and two GNs. After July, I'm taking a break. It's mostly because I'll be planning something for September.What is it? This pic should give a hint.  

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Random Pics of the Month - July

And here arethe random pics for the month of July. I was feeling a little patriotic for some reason, so I found this piece of awesomeness on the Web. Enjoy.

Something about this screams "AMERICAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"

Here's another pic I found on Fortress of Baileytude. It's another picture of Batman smiling. At least it's not a creepy one.
Batman:...(looks around)....(clears throat)...On the First day of Christmas, my true love gave to me --

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Movie Talk - The Original Batman Franchise

This installment of Movie Talk is brought to you by Ace Chemicals - the place for all of your villain-making products!

Well, it’s that time. Tonight, I’ll go through the first Batman movies. As of right now, I’m watching Batman and Robin…you’ll find out below about what I think about it. First, let’s get to the background. Oh yeah…ice skates??????

I know I have seen these movies a number of times. I rented them at either Jitney Jungle or Movie Gallery.  I was about 4 or 5 when the first movie came out, so I don’t remember seeing it till later on. The same goes for the second one and the third one. I did see the fourth one at the theaters (!!!!!) in Columbia. Apparently, my taste for movies was still under development. A couple of birthdays ago, my sister bought me a two disc set at Wal-Mart that had all four movies on it. She also bought one that had all four Superman movies on it. I’ve gone through the Superman movies. Now it’s time for the Batman ones. Today, I’ve watched all of them (yay?). What are my findings? Find out below.