Remember that surprise I mentioned a while back? Well, this is it. If there was one show that pretty much ripped off X-Men, it was this one. Yes, I and other comic book fans watched Heroes. It started out well, ya know? Suddenly, something happened. The show died and I did not care at all. Anyway, I'll be doing this like all of the others. I'll have my background, likes, dislikes, and a quick list of my favorite characters instead of episodes. So, let us enter into this thing here:
When I heard that Heroes was going to be based in the superhero genre, I decided to tune in and watch the first episode. I was hooked. The characters were interesting, and the stories were engaging. I liked the real, gritty feel of the show. These were normal people who just happened to gain powers. Now, I did like the finale to the first season, okay? Anyone who was expecting something reminiscent of the X-Men movies had their hopes up too high. The finale was ultimately about the characters. I went into season 2 curious of what will happen.
Season 2 was somewhat of a mixed bag. Some stuff worked, while other stuff didn't. The writer's strike especially didn't help much. Then Season 3 came....what in the name of Rick James happened? The first half of season 3 and a little bit of the second half was kinda bad. I'll get into it more later though. Season 4 started out okay. It got back to some of the themes Season 1 had, but as the season went on, I found myself caring less for the show. When I heard it wasn't coming back for a fifth season, I really had no feelings about it. I even wrote a note on Facebook about how I felt! Anyway, it's been a long time since I have seen an episode of Heroes. I may go through the series some day, but not today.