Friday, December 31, 2021

The Favorites - My Top 7 Assassin's Creed Video Games

Since it is the end of the year, I felt like returning to the world of the Assassins. Ubisoft has released some more DLC and even free DLC at that. I don’t know if I’ll play any of it though. I got a couple of posts that I’ve wanted to get up for a while now.

First up is a post I thought would be a struggle. Of out of all of the AC games, which ones do I consider to be the my favorite? It’s a tough question because all of them have a lot of good things and few bad things. It ultimately comes down to a few factors like story, protagonists, gameplay, and just overall fun. Another thing that could make it tougher is the fact that there are 13 mainline games (including Liberation which I never played). It’s tough to make a top 10 of that, which is why I made the corporate decision to make this a Top 7 list. Here are my favorites from the franchise.

7. Assassin’s Creed

Here’s the original one that started it all. AC may not be my favorite of the bunch, but it set up a lot of groundwork for the series. We got introduced to the Assassins and the Knights Templar, and it was a conflict that had a bit of a shade of gray to it. Heck, Altair Ibn-La’Ahad, our past protagonist, starts out as a pretty shady Assassin himself. We also got introduced to Desmond Miles and some of his supporting characters. The things that make this game work so well aren’t exactly the gameplay which is good, but that combat needed some work.

AC has a pretty serious, almost spiritual vibe to it all especially since you’re in the Holy Land during the Crusades. Altair’s development throughout the game was pretty good. He goes from a careless killer to a mature, wise member of the Brotherhood. It even provided some twists I didn’t expect especially with Altair’s master, Al Mualim. Of course, the game is a bit dated with a lot of repetitious missions. I also wasn’t a fan of Altair’s American Midwestern accent. The gameplay espeically towards the end had such a big difficulty curve that I put down the controller for a long time. It's still a decent one though.

6. Assassin’s Creed 3

Yes, AC3 made it to the list. After the thrashing I gave that ending, you’d think it would be on the lower end of AC games. There was a lot to that game that I thought worked pretty well. It was the first AC game we got that took place in the Americas. It also tried to bring back a little more ambiguity to the Assassin/Templar conflict with Haytham and Connor. Also, it’s the first time we get to play as a villain in Haytham (spoilers for an 8+ year old game), and he is a good antagonist for Connor. Now, while Connor Kenway (or Ratonhnhakéton) wasn’t the best past protagonist, it was cool to play someone who’s Native American.

It was also the last time the modern day played a major importance. While Layla and her adventures are okay, things were on another level with Desmond and his crew. Yes, I have problems with this game. Connor’s story felt undercooked as well as Desmond’s present day missions. Also, there’s that crappy ending to consider. Talk about a slap in the face. At least the music was fun.

5. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

Next up is the game that is furthest from the Assassin concept. Yes, Odyssey basically has no ties to the Assassins outside of the present day storyline, and even the main villains (the Cult of Kosmos) aren’t what we know as the Templars just yet. What we got was a cool game set in Ancient Greece. It took the RPG elements AC: Origins introduced and went to town with it. I might even like this one better than the latest game, Valhalla. It took the ties it had with the Isu (the first civilization) and tried to make an interesting story out of it.

Kassandra/Alexios were also not bad protagonists either. They weren’t the best, but they were far from bad. The main story missions were kinda interesting, but the side missions (mainly the Greek Stories) were fun at times. I can’t say that the game is perfect though. It did suffer a little bit from an oversized world. The villains weren’t the best which is a thing with current Assassin’s Creed games. The present day story was also kinda poor. I feel sorry for Layla Hassan. We got a female protagonist, and barely anything good is done with her story. Still, it’s a fun time all-around.

4. Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag

Black Flag was kind of a gamechanger in its time. It was the first game that didn’t revolve around Desmond Miles even though he’s kinda present. You end up playing as another one of his ancestors, but Edward Kenway is far from a noble Assassin. He’s a pirate and a bit of a scoundrel. Even though he has some nobility in him, he’s far from a good guy. He also happens to be one of my favorite protagonists for that reason. How he interacts with the Assassin/Templar conflict was pretty fun.

Heck, playing out the pirate lifestyle was pretty fun. You got to ransack all sorts of booty… you know! The gameplay is good, and the boat mechanics (introduced in AC3) were also pretty cool. It also has one of the best supporting casts in the franchise. While the Templars this time were a bit subpar, the Sage actually proved to be a decent villain. The only thing that kinda brings the game down is the present day where you’re “Nameless, the Game Debugger.” I will say that it was an interesting way to take the Present Day though. It was also interesting to see Abstergo, aka, “Ubisoft In Name Only,” try to make the Templars from previous games these major heroes in game.

3. Assassin’s Creed: Origins

Next up is the game that was truly a gamechanger for the franchise. AC: Origins brought a lot of new things to the table. We got an actual new present protagonist (for good or ill) in Layla Hassan, and we got some pretty decent RPG elements added in. We also got a new combat schema that involves a crapton of weapons, and we got an origin for the Assassins, or Hidden Ones. Exploring Ancient Egypt is pretty fun. It’s an area that doesn’t feel too big but not too small either.

A major component that makes Origins work is the character of Bayek. He’s up there with my favorite past protagonists in the franchise. Seeing how his story ties into the Assassins’ origins is cool. His relationship with Aya was powerful as well as heartbreaking. Yeah, he wanted revenge on the Order of the Ancients (another precursor to the Templars), but it’s a revenge plot that plays out really well here. Now, it’s not perfect since the villains are bit lacking and some graphics aren’t the best, but it’s a game I can see myself revisiting again. Heck, I skipped a game in order to replay it again, and I was glad to do so.

2. Assassin’s Creed 2

And here we get to the game that really put Assassin’s Creed on the map. AC2 came in and set the standard for what the franchise should be. It’s here where we got introduced to Ezio Auditore, a character who a lot consider to be the best protagonist. It’s easy to see why. We see Ezio grow from a reckless brat into one of the best Assassins, and it all starts here. We also got one of the better set of Templar villains here. It’s not every day where you get into a fistfight with the Pope!

The present day storyline also starts to take shape here. We get the intros of Rebecca and Shaun to the franchise. The gameplay also get an upgrade from what we got in the original game. Combat feels much more looser here. We even get a few new weapons to play around with. There aren’t too many bad things about the game. Outside some repetition with missions and a couple easy point with the combat, this is a great game. Is it my favorite though? Hmm…

1. Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood

It’s actually pretty tough to say which one is better: AC2 or AC: Brotherhood. Instead of weighing that heavy question, I just gotta put down Brotherhood. Brotherhood also was up on AC2’s level, and kinda dwarfed it in some ways. We got to see more of Ezio and his supporting cast go up against the Templars. This time, we got Cesare Borgia as our main villain, and he’s probably my favorite villain from the franchise. Instead of hopping around different cities, we’re stuck in Rome. We get a lotta cool stuff to do in Rome.

The gameplay is on par with AC2 and even improved in some ways. You also got to recruit new Assassins into the brotherhood, and that was actually pretty fun. You could even send them on missions. The present day story here was also pretty good. You even got to do some cool stuff with Desmond through the Bleeding Effect. It does have one moment at the end that definitely changed things going forward though. Other than some repetitious missions here and there, this is my favorite AC game. I’ve probably replayed it more times than AC2.


And that’s pretty much all I have to today. It’s New Year’s Eve, so I don’t know if I’ll post anything else. If y’all have your own list of favorte AC games, let me know. Until then, Peace, God Bless, and “May the father of understanding guide us…”

Ha, I know I wouldn’t make it as a Templar.

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