Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Random Thoughts #53 - "Toss a coin to your Witcher!"

It's one of those nights. No, I haven't been an accessory to a war crime... I'll save that for that other dude with the weird hair cut.

I just realized that it's been a while since I've done one of these posts. Oh well... at least I got it ready for the end/beginning of the year. So, sit back and I'll spew some Random Thoughts out... oh yeah, The Witcher on Netflix is pretty good. Just know that it is pretty gritty as well, folks.

Well, 2019 has come and gone... yay? This year was an interesting one to be sure. It's had its share of good and bad like any year. Even though its had it's weird points, I can say that I've made it most intact. I even got to do some things I planned to do. I ran/walked an 8K in Thanksgiving. I got my car and some other debt finally paid off. I got some fixing around the house done... mostly. It's still a work in progress. I've also haven't gained too much weight either. I haven't lost much though. I'm actually more or less where I was at the end of last year: 227. Not bad. The family's good, though we've had some losses this year. Also, old age is rearing its head with others.

As for the love life... eh. It's a bit weird right now.  I won't go too into detail with it here, but there was something that happened this year that really threw me for a loop. While it happened earlier in the year, it's still throwing me a bit. Let's just say that things aren't great between me and someone I really care about. Right now, I still feel like crap, though it's probably because it's around the time where you want to be with that special someone. Still, I'm grateful for the time I spent with her. I've learned a lot about myself and where I need to improve.

Alright, enough of that. I ain't going to get too dour on this night!
If there is anything that'll bring a smile to my face... it's those skits.

Plans for 2020
So, what are the plans for 2020? You might be shocked that they are more or less the same from last year. Still, I think I got some new ones as well.

  • Be a better person (throw son, boyfriend, co-worker, and other titles under that belt)
  • Continue to get out of debt - Now that I've gotten some bills out of the way, I think it's time to center on one of the big ones and kick its keister.
  • Lose weight and get healthy - I think this will be one of those continuous goals. I think 181 is an attainable goal, so I gonna start shooting for that. Besides, I know I can get down to 200 eventually.
  • Run a 5K - I actually waited till the end of the year to run and I only did that to get my mind off of other things. I ain't waiting till Fall for this one!
  • Continue to fix stuff around the house - 'nuff said. I'm also trying to do some things at my parents' house as well.
  • Get back into some coding - I've been messing around with Python a bit. I'm learning and I might add a couple more languages.
  • Communicate more - Well... 'nuff said.
  • Actually get this box of books by my bed read!
  • Live life to the fullest
  • Finally, actually blog on these sites I have... oh yeah, I was preoccupied

I think that'll do it for this post. I did another post this evening for Star Wars, so I'm outta here. Besides, there's Martial Arts Month to think about. Until then, Peace, God Bless, and have a good 2020.

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