Sunday, March 24, 2019

Movie Talk - Green Lantern: First Flight and Green Lantern: Emerald Knights

Re-reading The Sinestro Corps War for my other blog (right here, if you’re interested) has gotten me looking at the Green Lantern Corps. While I’m not the biggest fan of Hal and his friends, they’re cool in my book. So, for the next few days, I’ll be talking about what I call “The Yay, the Okay, and the Nay” of Green Lantern in other media. First up are the two Green Lantern DCAU movies: First Flight and Emerald Knights.

Back in 2009, the WB released Green Lantern: First Flight direct-to-DVD. I think I either rented it or saw it on Cartoon Network. It features Christopher Meloni (Det. Stabler from Law and Order: SVU) as Hal Jordan, Victor Garber as Sinestro, Trica Helfer as Boodikka, and Michael Madsen as Kilawog. Green Lantern: Emerald Knights was released in 2011 and even though Emerald Knights uses the same designs from First Flight, it’s not a sequel which is kinda confusing. Even though I’ve had it in my Blu-ray collection for a bit, I just saw it this weekend. It features Nathan Fillion as Hal Jordan, Jason Issacs as Sinestro, Arnold Vosloo as Abin Sur, Kelly Hu as Laira, Henry Rollins as Kilawog, and Michael Jackson (… not that one) as Ganthet.

Green Lantern: First Flight
First Flight is pretty much Hal Jordan’s origin. We see him get summoned to Abin Sur’s body and given the ring. We then spend pretty much all our time in space with the Corps. He’s distrusted a bit since humans don’t have good reputation. Hal gets put with Sinestro, the best of the Lanterns, and they go on the hunt for Kanjor Ro. Ro knows the location of yellow energy that can take down the GL Corps and the Guardians. What everyone doesn’t know is that Sinestro is in league with the villain and he sets a plan in motion to get the yellow energy for himself. Hal and the Corps then have to deal with Sinestro and his new weapon.
It's cool to see Sinestro's Corp suit in animation. Also, did Hal just "Spirit Bomb" Sin?

I thought this movie was fine for the most part. It’s definitely not up there with the best of the DCAU movies, but it’s not bad one either. First off, the voice-acting is pretty good all-around. Meloni sounds good as Hal Jordan and Madsen made a pretty good Kilawog.  Garber was especially cool as Sinestro. In fact, Sinestro in general makes this movie good since we see him get rough here. While the story has its issues, it was fine for the most part. I’ll get to the problems in a minute.
Either Hal's going green or he's the new member of Sailor Moon.

The animation is fine for the most part. It’s partly influenced by anime and I could tell that by Hal’s first transformation into a GL. The character designs for the Corps and the various aliens were good for the most part. The action scenes were fine and flowed well at times. The one thing I remember about this movie was that one of Ro’s henchmen gets sucked out of a small hole into space. There’s no blood, but it’s pretty gross. They should probably include that with the rating.
This is how those Thursday meetings feel like. I'm the blue dude to the left.

While I liked it, it does have some issues. Mainly, this thing has got its foot on the pedal. We get a lot of stuff throw at us in 70-ish minutes. I know that Warner Premier was constrained with time limits, but this felt weird because things felt missing. We barely got anything out of Hal character-wise and backstory-wise. He was just here to be a cool, dull mofo and that’s it. In fact, I think we got to know Sinestro more than Hal here. While I did like the animation, there were times where it did slip up a bit especially when it came to the fight scenes. Other than those things and small nitpicks, this was fine in the end.

Green Lantern: Emerald Knights
Emerald Knights is a bit of an anthology story. The main story is that Krona, a former Oan, is returning from another universe to threaten Oa and the Green Lantern Corps. As everyone tries to prepare, a new recruit named Arisia is having doubts and questions. Hal Jordan, Sinestro (as I said, it’s not a sequel), Kilawog, and others tell Arisia stories about some past adventures and some other Lanterns. We get a story about the first Green Lanterns, a story about Kilawog’s drill sargent,  a story about Laira, one about Mogo (a planet GL), and one about Abin Sur.
This story with Abin Sur and Sinestro was the best of the bunch.

This movie is also in the fine category for me. While it does do a couple of things better thatn First Flight, it has some issues. I’ll get to the good stuff first, though. While the main story was… eh, the tales of the Corps members ranged from fine to pretty good. The stories about Mogo and Abin Sur were really good. The Mogo story was actually pretty comedic and was based on a story written by Alan Moore. Sur’s story was done by Geoff Johns and you could really tell. In fact, other GL writers like Peter J. Tomasi and Alan Burnett did some of the stories.
I think this fight is right up there with Batman's thrashing of Red Hood in Under the Red Hood.

The animation here is better especially with the action.. The action flowed here better than it did in First Flight. Case in point, while Laira’s story was fine, it had some of the best action I’ve seen in these movies. The voice-acting was also pretty good here. Fillion did it good as Hal Jordan and Issacs was good as Sinestro. There was one voice that really stuck out (and not in a good way), but I’ll get to that “poozer” down below.
And for our main story, we have... this. Well, it's better than seeing them fight a talking, brown space cloud.

Like with the pevious movie, it does have some issues. The main story was pretty empty. I know the main draw for the movie were the tales, but that main part could have been much better. I kinda wish it was like Batman: Gotham Knight, another DCAU movie that pulled the different stories stunt. While most of the tales were good, some of them dragged a little. It was mostly when the story revolved around some of the lesser known GL members. You had a couple of points where the animation didn’t look as good. Finally, what the heck was up with Kilawog’s voice??? He sounded horrible! Other than these things, this was another fine one.


In the end, these are two fine movies. They’re not great, but they aren’t bad either. I can’t say which one is better since they both had succeeded  and failed in different places. I will say tha they are both better than the live-action movie at least. Yes, that movie is also on the docket for this week. I’ll need a few prayers to make it through that one. At least I’ll have something good to watch afterwards. Until then, Peace, God Bless, be careful out there. Also, those Guardians have some strong chins! You could break diamond with those things!

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