Sunday, November 18, 2018

Random Thoughts #50 - Not an Anniversary Issue

Well, another good day of weather has passed us by. If you were around in TN earlier this week, it wasn’t that way. It was damp, cold, and I thought I saw someone building an ark. Anyway, I’m just up here in Nashville this time trying to clear out some stuff, rearrange furniture, and rest from working day shift. I think I’ve gotten the hang of it. So, it’s time to go in on some Random Thoughts.

I try not to get too personal here, but here's a bit of life. I had a cousin named Korey unexpectedly passed away a couple of weeks ago. Me and him weren’t too close since California is pretty far. Still, the times we spent together were nice. I was shocked that he remembered breaking this toy sword I got for Halloween when I was in like 4th grade, I believe. I didn’t even remember that. I’ll miss him. One of my grandmother’s brothers also recently passed away.

It seems like everyone is losing someone these days. I know a few friends and classmates that have had some serious losses lately. Shoot, geek culture is feeling since Stan Lee just passed away. I’ll admit that his death did faze me a little bit, though that could have been the constant onslaught of other stuff catching up. I guess I felt, “Ah, another one? Dang!” or something like that. I don’t know what else to say here. I think that’s a first for me here. Death is always a weird topic to me. To finish this off, I’ll leave some advice: talk to your people (family or friends). As a quiet dude, I should take my own advice there.

A New Blog? Hmm…
So, I’ve been thinking about doing a new blog on Wordpress.
(Looks around to see if the Blogger avatar will slap him)

Anyway, I’m still liking Blogger even though it has its issues. What was up with not seeing emails to comments anyway? I had considered porting my stuff over there, but I just want to do something else on that end. I’ll leave Blogger for the stuff I usually do here. I’m not sure what I want to do with it, though. I did think about making it comic-related, but I’m not sure about that. I’ll come up with something eventually. 

Here's hoping this movie gets it right.

In other, lighter news, all’s good there… I think. Still, does anyone have a book that has women figured all out? I’m not talking about those picture books you find in the gas station either! I’m just asking... for a friend… uh, Ry-Chell, I think. He’s foreign… to redheads, I mean.

I haven’t watched that many movies in a while. I’ve been mostly sticking to TV shows, Netflix, and some YouTube. There’s also been the occasional Smallville episode. Still, there have been some things I’ve watched that I’ve got an opinion on:
  • Mission Impossible: Fallout – I saw this in theaters when it was released. Since Henry Cavill was sporting a new look, I had to see why all that needless CGI in Justice League was necessary. All in all, this was awesome. If you’ve seen any MI movie, you know what you’re going to get. Tom Cruise is doing all sorts of crazy stuff, you got plot twists, you got great action, and you got Cavill’s cool but hilarious fighting stance in that bathroom scene. It even ties into the previous movie, Ghost Protocol. I need to see that one of these days
  • Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle – This is the second anime Godzilla movie that Toho’s released. It’s part of a trilogy they’re doing. Netflix has a deal with them, so I’ve been able to see them there. I remember not liking the first movie, Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters, all that much. It felt slow, there wasn’t much cool Godzilla action, the characters (especially Harou, the main lead) were a little bland, and I wasn’t a fan of the animation itself. By the way, in this string of movies, humanity left Earth because of Godzilla and the monsters ravaging it. They return after a millennium to reclaim their home. As for this movie, it was more or less the same, but I did think it was a little better. You got some surprises and nods to other Godzilla-related stuff. I will say that I am curious about what the third movie, Godzilla: The Planet Eater, will be like.
  • Castlevania – This is another Netflix anime feature. Unlike Godzilla, this one’s good. It’s based on the Komani video games. You’re following Trevor Belmont, the last in a family of monster hunters, as he and others face Dracula. I saw but never finished the first season last year. Since Season 2 was recently released, I thought I’d finish the first season up and go through Season 2. This is a pretty good show. The animation’s great, the voice-acting is nice, and it’s written well. It’s written by comic book writer Warren Ellis, so it’s got to be good. My only qualms are that it can be a little slow at times and that it’s pretty gory. Even I had to turn my head at some of it. At least everything else about it is good.
  • The Sixth Sense – Yeah, I see you wondering if M. Night Shyamalan’s movie was recently released, but no, it wasn’t. I saw it with Liz sometime in October since it was Halloween and she hadn’t seen it yet. I hadn’t see it in a while, myself. I was surprised by how much this film held up. If you’re wondering, Bruce Willis plays a struggling psychologist who’s trying to help a young boy cope with seeing spirits. Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osment were really good. While it’s not really a gross-out horror movie, it definitely gets you at places especially when you learn the boy’s secret. At least Shyamalan looks like he’s back on form now after flops like The Last Airbender and After Earth (which he only produced, I think). If you’re wondering, Liz did figure out the plot twist before the end and got on me about it. I don’t like spoiling movies.

Well, that’s all I got for now. I’m going to get some well-needed sleep, but I may watch some more videos on how Fallout 76 apparently sucks. Yeah, I just like seeing all of the reactions to this. It’s even cheaper since I ain’t paying for that game. I got enough with my Assassin’s Creed binge. Until then, Peace, God Bless, and be careful out there.

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