Anyway, back to the hero of the post. Icon aka Augustus
Freeman is pretty much the Superman of this universe. Icon was one of the first books released by
the company. The trade has the first eight issues of that book. I first read
this when I found it in the public library. I eventually added it to my
collection. McDuffie, who was also writing Static Shock at that time, is the writer.
Green Lantern artist M.D. Bright provided the pencils. Mike Gustovich provided
the inks for all eight issues. A variety of colorists and letterers did the
eight issues.
The book starts out as Arnus, an alien who’s a mix between a
quorian from Mass Effect and Kermit the Frog, escapes from a damaged starliner.
He crashes in America during the early 1800’s. The first person who finds him
is an enslaved black woman. In order to fit in, his lifepod transforms him into
a black baby boy. He eventually gets named Augustus Freeman. Since his race
lives long lives, Augustus does all he can to keep his alien heritage a secret
by posing as his descendants. He was slaved, fought in wars, and graduated from
the best universities during his 160 years on Earth. In present-day Dakota City, he serves as a lawyer
for a corporation.
Thankfully, no teenagers have come my way to ask me to be a superhero.
His life gets a kick to the face when a group of black teens
break into his house. It’s here when he reveals his powers for the first time
in a while. Raquel Erwin, one of the teens, remembers this and comes back to
Augustus’s house with an idea. They’ll both create heroic personas and fight
crime as Icon and Rocket. He’s weirded out by the idea, but he eventually goes for it since a lot
has happened to Dakota City in those last few months. He creates their costumes and
gives Raquel an energy belt that absorbs inertia for her to use.
Actually, this happens to Superman a lot these days, Rocket. The law shoots at him more than they do the Incredible Hulk!
Their first night on the job is a bit rough. They get accosted by the cops during a hostage situation involving the city’s mayor. A bunch of fighting ensues between the heroes, the police, and the gang who’s holding the mayor hostage. Eventually, the bad guys are taken down and the cops come to trust Icon and Rocket. The man behind the hostage situation is revealed to be able to transform into a… thing, I don’t know what that is. Anyway, he gained his powers on the night of the “Big Bang,” a night when a lot of Dakota’s gangs met up and fought. The police used some sort of nerve gas that gave most people abilities.
Uh... is that dog talking? Now, I'm interested in the Blood Syndicate!
Icon uses his contacts in order to find out what
happened that night. This ends up having him go up against the Blood Syndicate,
a super-powered gang formed by the remnants of Dakota’s gangs. Unfortnately, he can't beat them all. Luckily, Rocket
shows up to help him and they try to set the gang on a better path. While Icon’s doing his Superman thing, Raquel finds out that
she is pregnant. After getting confirmation from a test, she wonders what she
is going to do. She’s 15 years old, lives in a crappy neighborhood, and she’s a
part-time superheroine. Her boyfriend doesn’t want anything to do with the kid.
She considers getting an abortion, but decides not to in the end. She also
doesn’t believe Augustus when he tells her he’s from space. The trade ends with Augustus showing her the lifepod and telling her about his
long life.
I thought that this was a good read. I liked the stories and
most of the writing. I also liked the main hero. He is an obvious homage to
Superman. I mean, Augustus even wears glasses in his civilian identity! At
least Icon had the good idea to wear a mask. It’s small, but I guess it could
work. I like Icon and Rocket together
and I like how their personalities mesh together. Augustus has a stiff
personality and a serious outlook on life. I especially like his backstory.
It’s like McDuffie wanted to mix Superman with Highlander and Shaft.
Yeah, it sounds like a weird mix but it
works here.
Raquel is fun but not too over-the-top. She’s a real
teenager with real problems. While she's a sidekick, she is also a major part of the book. Her standout issue is the fact that she’s
pregnant. That part of the story and the abortion issue is really well told. It
also treats the issue of abortion in an unbiased way which I liked. I also enjoyed the fights with
the cops (I know, I know), Payback, and the Blood Syndicate.The artwork is pretty decent but not perfect. I like the costumes Icon and Rocket wear. They’re cool in that 90’s way though Icon’s costume is pretty cool in general. The action scenes are really well done. I also enjoyed the quiet moments and there are a good number of them.
I really don’t have any complaints on the stories in the
trade. They’re not epic in scale, but they are pretty good. The dialogue is
good but you may have a couple of klunkers in that area. As for the artwork, it
does get wonky in some areas. Since it’s going for a realistic feel, the
wonkiness just looked weird and took me out of the story for a bit. Most of the
Blood Syndicate also looked ridiculous in a bad way. It’s like they came out of
the long-forgotten, unmade sequel to Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo. I can’t nor
do I want to touch those clothes! Also, some of the coloring was a little off.
There were times where Icon was supposed to be wearing his mask and it looked
like someone forgot to color it in.
Overall, this was a good read. If you’re looking for good
stuff from the 90’s, check it out. I am interested in seeing how the rest of
the series panned out. It apparently lasted for 40 issues, so it looks like
I’ll be bin-diving again. Well, I’m outta here. It’s gotten cold in these parts
and that bed tends to be pretty warm. Peace, God Bless, and do your best to
stay warm. When it’s actually warmer in Alaska than it is in Tennessee, you
know something’s not right.
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