Monday, November 29, 2021

"It's a Video Game" - My Time with Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Part 1

Since I've been pretty busy doing just about everything, I haven't had much time to post here. One reason for that is because I've been knees deep in the Mass Effect universe... again. I've been pretty much on ME since Andy's been born since I've been going through all three games. My replay's gone down well overall. While kicking Collector and Reaper butt is cool, the one place I had to revisit was the first Mass Effect game since it was revamped just a bit. So, I'll just talk about it a bit and show off some pics I made with the new photo mode.

Jumping back in this first game was fun. It felt like coming home, but the home had been refurbished and looked more modern. Things in the game are pretty much the same story-wise. I did skip that one mission that was DLC (Project X57) because I mainly wanted to focus on the missions and characters. Things do change when we get to the character creation. Thankfully, someone knew I'd be playing "Black Shepard" again because I actually have a fresh haircut! I didn't play FemShep, but I heard that she's gotten the same upgrades with looks.

The graphics look beautiful. The graphics for the game initially were good for its time, but Bioware really put their work into making the first outing look good. The gameplay is much more refined. Gunplay is much better here than it was in the original. Another thing that got a giant overall was the Mako. Yes, it still handles poorly at times, but taht's the fun part of the Mako. Aiming on that thing has also been upgraded, and you can actually hit things! As for any negatives, I have none. I could nitpick about maybe something new story-wise being added, but what we got here is awesome. Check it out.

And now, here are some good screenshots:

The gang's all back together... even the hothead known as Ashley Williams.

I didn't realize how much I missed the MAKO until I started to run over Geth.

Man, I hate this part of the level where you have to find Liara. It's still horrible as you can see my dead comrades.

Decisions, decisions... yeah, I chose Liara! I ain't that nuts!

It's just the MAKO looking cool.

Okay, I don't know how that creeper got up there.

Shep and Liara: quite a match.

Try facing 20 of these suckas on hardcore... it ain't pretty.

Posing with the best squadmate. You might see this more.

Not much to say. Too bad we only see Earth when it's in ruins in ME3.

Why Tali decided to risk it all and not take cover is beyond me.

Yes, Kaiden may be a better person than Ashley, but I gotta change it up on this 4th playthrough.

Ilos: cool music and some creepy imagery.

Finally, we have Shepard running up against the running Geth.

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