Sunday, July 25, 2021

TV Talk - Godzilla: Singular Point

When I heard that another Godzilla anime series was coming from Netflix, I gotta say that I was a little worried. I don’t know if you’ve read my review of the first Godzilla anime trilogy from Netflix, but I and others thought that series wasn’t good. Now, I did have some good things to say about it, but overall, it just didn’t do it for me. Now, we get to this new one. Godzilla: Singular Point was released over 13 episodes between April and June of 2021. It made it over Netflix after its airing in Japan. This time, Toho teamed up with two animation studios, Bones and Orange, to put this all together. It’s a blend of 2D and 3D anime. So, how does it fare out?

The series revolves around an engineer and a young scientist trying to avert the end of the world. Yun Arikawa and Mei Kamino separately investigate a mysterious signal. They and the world then get pulled into some craziness. It turns out that the signal is linked to the sudden appearance of dangerous creatures that emit a dangerous red dust. It also turns out that their appearance could spell doom for the whole world. Insert a crapton of Toho monsters including the G-Man himself, metaphysical and technical gobbly-gook, big monster action, and Jet Jaguar.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Random Thoughts #56 - "Well, Mary Elizabeth isn't the best name for a baby boy"

I finally got around to reading this story... it was fine. I'm beginning to realize that Johns may not have been the best with his time on Superman.

So, quite a bit has changed since I've gone into one of those Random Thoughts. It's June, it's getting warm, and I've put on a little bit of weight. It could be the fact that the pandemic did a number on me since the gyms were closed. It's tough to exercise with those masks. It could also be the fact that my fiancé's baby cravings have come to me. 

Hold up, did I say that right?