Next up is something that I’ve been meaning to re-visit
here. A few years ago, I briefly talked about the Nolan trilogy right when The
Dark Knight Rises was being released. Now that we have had more live action
Batmen come and go, I thought it was time to see how this momentous
trilogy stacks up now.
I don’t remember when I first heard that new Batman movie
was coming. I also didn’t know who Christian Bale was, but I knew he was that
jackass racist from the 2000 Shaft movie. Anyway, Batman Begins was released in
2005 and I was really surprised. I even read the novelization and played that
PS2 game. Then, The Dark Knight came three years later and set everything
ablaze. After that, you knew a sequel had to come. It took four years, but The
Dark Knight Rises made its way to theatres in 2012. I’ll have you know that I
haven’t seen this movie since its release until now. I know, it’s kinda weird
to say that especially since I’ve seen the first two plenty of times. Now that
I’ve finished my re-watch, what are the 5 pros and 5 cons of the trilogy? Yeah,
it’s got some problems… come at me, Nolanites!