Saturday, March 7, 2020

Random Thoughts #54 - "2020, Are You Alright?"

Hospital food isn't bad, but it ain't filling either.

Wow, I actually went a month without blogging… I’m surprised by that myself. Strangely, that wasn’t exactly the plan. February and the beginning of March were kinda weird for me and I’ll go into some detail. I would’ve posted my review of the event Shadowland, on Comics Crossover Central, but I lost my jump drive and don’t feel like writing again about that crappy event right now. Work’s good, though. I’ve taken on some new responsibilities, and while it is taking a some learning, I’m good. So, sit back as I go through some Random Thoughts.

“Wait, I’m being admitted?”
So, I spent a couple of days in the hospital recently. I don’t put too much personal stuff here, but this is one event I need to let loose about. Only my family, Liz, and co-workers know more about my condition. My resting heart rate had been steadily increasing over February, but I initially thought it was overexertion. When it hit a pretty high number while I was just taking a slow stroll, I knew something was off. I don’t think relationship woes would do that.

So, I went to Centennial and spent a couple of days there. I definitely didn’t want to go since it is a hospital and there are those medical bills to think about. Still, I had to do something. Heck, I wanted to leave while I was there, but they had to watch vitals. Anywho, the problem was my thyroid and it’s getting straightened out. Just know that I’m feeling better and that hospital stays are nice when good nurses are around. Birgen, you were pretty cool.

Tennessee Tornadoes
Now, onto to a pretty recent topic. Tuesday morning, Middle Tennessee got hit with some powerful tornadoes. Nashville especially got hit and I was apparently not too far from one. Germantown, North Nashville, and Donelson got hit bad. Putnam County and a couple of others got it pretty bad too. While my small street was pretty much unaffected, other parts of North Nashville had trees down. I know of this one AutoZone in Germantown that got pretty much destroyed. TSU’s Agricultural Center got effed up too. Today, my area got power back after three days.
I thought I was taking a shortcut for work... WRONG.

It was a pretty chilling experience. I knew something was up when I saw lighting hit a transformer on a light pole. Folk have lost lives, houses, and jobs. We got folk out there doing what they can. I want to get out there and do what I can even if it’s something small. For those who are the praying kind, say some prayers for the one who have lost someone or a home. Also, if you can give, do it.

Video Games
I actually haven’t watched too many movies for a while. I haven’t been in the mood. What I have been doing is playing a few video games. I’ll just mention a few before I sign off for today. I gotta end this post with something light-hearted:
  • The Outer Worlds – Obsidian really knocked this one out of the park. Just imagine Fallout: New Vegas in space. The game is like someone mixed Fallout and Firefly into one game. While it may not be as expansive as most RPG’s, it really packs a punch with good characters, some nice gameplay, and some interesting visuals. The characters are also a hoot. Heck, one long mission involved me trying to get Pavarti, the ship’s mechanic, set up with another mechanic. You may think that’s dull, but it was actually pretty fun. It’s definitely a game to check out. 
  • Titanfall 2 – I’m not much into FPS, but I may play one or two. Titanfall 2 was pretty good. The main campaign was fun, but I’ve actually had a lot of fun with the online play. I can actually say I’m even getting good. Basically, imagine dudes jumping to big A.I. controlled robots and you get a fun game. 
  • Batman: The Enemy Within – I don’t know what came over me with this game. I guess I got bit by that pesky Dark Knight. I’ve been on a little bit of a Batman phase, and this game was just part of the ride. I’m actually planning on talking about this game and it’s predecessor soon. Basically, this was pretty fun. It was what you expect from Telltale Games. They even throw a twist in especially when we see different versions of classic rogues.

Well, that I got for now. I’m gonna try to get back into writing again. I still got ideas running around in my head (as well as questions about life and love, argh). I think I may start out again with what I was kinda planning: a Batman phase, not month. Maybe this’ll generate traffic around here or something. All I know is that it’s been a while since I’ve really delved into the Stank Knight. Yeah, I went there! Anyway, Peace, God Bless, remember to neuter your pets, and be careful out there. 2020, you’ve been weird, and I worry about ya.

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