A bearded Stallone is always epic!
I think it’s time to “take you back” and look at a strangely
still running franchise: The Rocky franchise. Yes, it’s technically still going
since we’ll be getting a spinoff called Creed in November. It looks like it
could be good and I’ll probably check it out. My memories with the series goes
back to about either Fourth or Fifth Grade. Someone rented Rocky III from
somewhere and after I saw that, I got to see the fourth and fifth movies. I saw
the second movie next.
I actually saw the
first movie when I was in high school on Turner Classic Movies. I don’t know
how that worked out like that. I didn’t watch the sixth movie (Rocky Balboa)
until about a few months ago. I just never got around to seeing it till then.
Over the week, I went and watched the first five movies on Netflix. I’d
re-watch the sixth movie, but the DVD got misplaced somehow. So, sit back
‘cause I’m going the distance… I’ll stop the with the quotes now