- Geoff Johns - … ‘Nuff Said (lol).
- Marv Wolfman – Let’s see,... the man’s a legend! Because of this guy, Teen Titans (or should I say New Teen Titans) became a household name in the 80’s. This guy also wrote that other ‘Crisis’ (COIE) event too. He’s also written on countless books, so look him up.
- Bill Willingham – writer of the Robin issues.
- Bill Williams - ...I have no freaking clue what he does.
- Todd Nanuck – He does the artwork in TT #31 and #32.
- Ed Benes – Nice artist. He does some pencils in the Titans Annual.
- Phil Jimenez – The main penciller from the main crossover book. His artwork is from IC #6 (which won’t be talked about for a while because…_______ ______.
- Ivan Reis – Some of his work from IC is included.
- Scott McDaniel – the artist of the Robin issues.
- Dale Eaglesham – a good artist. He does some of the art in the Titans Annual.
- Tom Grindburg – He also does some art in the Annual.
- Elton Ramalho – He also does a little art in the Annual (wow! Those are a lot of pencilers).
Since I didn’t note it last time, I’ll note it here. This volume contains Teen Titans #29-33, Robin #146-147, Teen Titans Annual #1, and some stuff from Infinite Crisis #5 and 6. So let’s start to end this.