Showing posts with label Taelons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taelons. Show all posts

Friday, May 15, 2020

TV Talk - Earth: Final Conflict Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of my look at Earth: Final Conflict. Here, I'll go into the myriad of issues the show had. I'll also list some episodes to check out if you're curious. 


Ah, the Atavus... they suck so much that it's not even funny. It's actually kinda sad.

So… this show had issues. While there are things to enjoy, it has problems. The biggest issue it faced was its constant revamping. I don’t know all of what was going on behind the scenes, but it apparently wasn’t that good. I’ve tried to see what was going on, but I can barely find anything. I did read that Majel Barrett wasn’t happy with how the show got revamped in Season 2. That’s probably why she was barely on it after that first season.

TV Talk - Earth: Final Conflict Part 1

Next up for the month is a show that I sort of remembered from my childhood. The 90’s was a time where you had sci-fi shows popping up everywhere. A couple of them had the name of a certain sci-fi creator in the title: Gene Roddenberry. You may have heard of him. While Roddenberry is known for Star Trek, he did try to get other sci-fi shows made. Earth: Final Conflict was one of them, but it was under another name called Battleground: Earth. Work on Star Trek pretty much kept that from being made, and then, he passed away in 1991. Eventually, his wife,  Majel Barrett-Roddenberry, decided to take the torch and get it produced under Tribune Entertainment.

The show started in 1997 and ended in 2002. I pretty much was watching the show as it aired on FOX. I think it was also on UPN, but don’t quote me on that.  My family finally decided to get cable, and it was one of the shows that was part of this block on FOX. This station was also where I started to watch shows like Star Trek: DS9, the X-Files, reruns of TNG, Hercules, Xena, and a bunch of other stuff. It was a fun time. I also remember how tumultuous this show could be since it seemed like things changed from season to season. When I saw that it was on Amazon Prime, I had to check it out again. I originally was going to do a look at it by season, but as I started to watch more, one (or two) posts should do it since this wasn’t as good as I remembered.

Zo'or is that Taelon!

Earth: Final Conflict was about how the Taelon Companions come to present day Earth with the promise of peace. The show picks up three years later and the Taelons have more or less integrated themselves into everyday life. What they and others don’t know is that there is a human resistance movement being built up by billionaire Jonathan Doors (David Hemblen). William Boone (Kevin Kliner) is a detective who’s picked by the Taelons to protect Da’an (Leni Parker). Ronald Sandavol (Von Flores), the head Companion Protector, also plays a big role. Boone also ends up as a double agent for the Resistance as they try to find out why the Taelons are on Earth in the first place. He’s aided by Lili Marquette (Lisa Howard), Augur (Richard Chevolleau), and others.