Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Random Weird Music Videos - "Whatzupwitu" by Eddie Murphy featuring Michael Jackson

For my next foray in the wonderful, weird world of music videos, it's time to look at one of my favorite comedic actors: Eddie Murphy. Yes, he actually recorded a few music albums. I guess he thought he could also hit it big in this realm. No, he's not the best singer around, but he ain't too bad. I imagine that he'd do well at a church on any given Sunday. Unfortunately, I'm not talking about the One-Hit Wonder known as "Party All the Time" which was produced by Rick James. No, I got "Whazupwithu," a song off his third album that features one of my favorite singers, Michael Jackson. 

I always wondered why I never heard of this song back in the day. I mean, knowing that it was on an Eddie Murphy album definitely didn't help. I saw the video for this a few years ago and was amazed at how horrible it looked. My sister (who's a big MJ fan) sent a reel of it to me on Instagram a while ago. I also saw a reel of the podcast Double Toasted reacting to it, so that's why it's here. I gotta put my piece in on this wholesome horridness.

  • "The Elephant is dying!" - Excuse my French, but what the hell was that? I had to do a double take at the beginning!
  • "Eddie Mercury" - I saw a comment on Instagram and that just made me LOL. I definitely see it! I guess Eddie thought he could fill the void left by Freddie Mercury or something.
  • Why, Michael? Why? - While I could be asking that question to MJ on a plethora of stuff, this is definitely a question that has to be asked. He's featured on stuff for years, but this one is the most baffling to me. Apparently, he liked the wholesome feel of the lyrics, so he agreed to do the song and the video. I can say that at least it looked like they were having fun making the video. Plus, MJ brought his usual A-game to the song.
  • PBS Intro - This seriously looks like it could be an intro to a kids' learning show. That's not the vibe you should be going for... unless you're trying to create an intro for a kids learning show. It's like the wholesome version of "Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood" featuring Michael Jackson as the magic imp!
  • Disney Channel Feel - All this video made me think of was those Disney Channel drawing bumpers you'd see from the early 2000's.  You'd have someone from those shows come on screen and be like "This is Disney" and pull out some magic wand. I almost thought the song was gonna end with Hilary Duff or Raven showing up with that wand!
  • "Whatzzzuppwithuuu" - I don't know what Eddie was thinking adlibbing that in the song. The song itself is okay at best, but hearing him say it like that throughout the song is hilarious!
  • The children choir - No comment there. While I got my theories about all that involving Michael, seeing a kids' choir show up here cracked me up. I guess this was shot before all those allegations started.
In the end, this is horrible. The song itself isn't that good, but the video just... dang! I don't know what the heck the creators were thinking about this! At least it's a video you can laugh out loud to. We need some of that these days. It may not be what Eddie Murphy was going for, but he did create one of the worst and funniest music videos ever. Anyway, I'm outta here. Peace, God Bless, and be careful out there.
At least some fun was to be had.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Quick Thoughts #5 - Refugees from a CW Vampire Show

For my last post on some horror themed properties, I thought it was time to return to the CW. No, there aren’t any superheroes present, but we do have beings with some pretty cool and deadly powers. I just didn’t realize that it would spin off from a vampire soap opera of all places.

I have only seen two episodes of the Vampire Diaries. One was probably airing after Smallville years ago, and the other was a possible binge for me and Liz to go down on. Our trip in the VD universe actually started with Legacies, their latest and last show. She got me started on it, and after a while, we finished binging it on Netflix. As for the Originals, the first spin-off show, I got curious about how everything led up to Legacies. After the pilot episode, I had to watch more, and a new binge was born. The Originals got taken off of Netflix during our watch, but I found it on Freevee. You know I gotta like a show if I’m hunting for it all over these dang streaming channels! So, what do I think about these two shows?